Shrimali, B., Luginbuhl, J., Malin, C., Flournoy, R., and Siegel, A. “The Building Blocks Collaborative: Advancing a Lifecourse Approach to Health Equity through Multi-Sector Collaboration.” Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2014.
Fleishacker, S., Flournoy, R., and Moore, L. “Meaningful, Measurable, and Manageable Approaches to Evaluating Healthy Food Financing Initiatives.” Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 2013.
Schaff, K., Desautels, A., Flournoy, R., et al. “Addressing the Social Determinants of Health: A Case Study of the Alameda County Place Matters Initiative.” Public Health Reports, 2013.
Levitt, Z., Desautels, A., Lee, T., and Flournoy, R. Getting on Board for Health: A Health Impact Assessment of Bus Funding and Access. Alameda County Public Health Department, 2013.
Hagey, A., Rice, S., and Flournoy, R. Growing Urban Agriculture. PolicyLink, 2012.
Lee, M., Flournoy, R., Bell, J., and Rubin, V. “Policy Bingo.” Community Organizing and Community Building for Health and Welfare. Rutgers University Press, 2012.
Flournoy, R. Healthy Food, Healthy Communities. PolicyLink, 2011.
Babey, S., et al. Designed for Disease: The Link Between Local Food Environments and Obesity and Diabetes. California Center for Public Health Advocacy, UCLA, PolicyLink, 2008.
Flournoy, R. Breathing Easy from Home to School: Fighting the Environmental Triggers of Asthma. PolicyLink, 2008.
Jacobus, R., Hickey, M., Flournoy, R., and Sideroff, D. Grocery Store Attraction Strategies. PolicyLink and LISC, 2007.
Flournoy, R. “Healthy Food, Strong Communities.” Shelterforce, 2006.
Flournoy, R. and Treuhaft, S. Healthy Food, Healthy Communities. PolicyLink, 2005.
Flournoy, R. and Yen, I. The Influence of Community Factors on Health. PolicyLink, 2004.
The Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard University. Race and Ethnicity in 2001: Attitudes, Perceptions, and Experiences. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2001.
Brodie, M., Foehr, U., Rideout, V., Baer, N., Miller, C., Flournoy, R., and Altman, D. “Communicating Health Information Through the Entertainment Media,” Health Affairs, 2001.
Brodie, M., Flournoy, R., Altman, D., Blendon, R., Benson, J., and Rosenbaum, M. “Health Information, The Internet, and the Digital Divide,” Health Affairs, 2000.